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The Business Trendsetter Podcast by Spark Partners

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Use Demographic and Climate Trends to Make Better Business Decisions

Adam Hartung, Manny Teran
demographics, climate, climate change, data, llm, large language model, trash in trash out, nfl, analytics, trends, innovation, value, value delivery

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Not so amazingly, we now know that people no longer stay at their jobs as long as they once did.  Few stick around 10 years, and most leave a job every 4.  Likewise, we know that warmer oceans have led to warmer gulfs, so hurricanes are more frequent and stronger – as are other bad weather events like floods and tornadoes.

Despite knowing this is true, too few people build these facts into their future scenarios so they can make better decisions.  This podcast explains how you can make far better decisions for the long-term health of your company if you utilize demographic trends to expand your gig workforce, and to smartly look for suppliers who aren’t in demographically troubled locations.  Likewise, if you use climate trends you can realize that old notions about geographic location are out of date, and you’ll be a lot better off you position your business where you can succeed.

Lastly this podcast overviews how NFL coaches are making better decisions and winning more games by using data, rather than historical practices and gut instincts.  Announcers, fans and even owners are finding it challenging, but the NFL is quickly moving toward statistics for play calling, similar to how major league baseball did 20 years ago.

Thinking points:

  • Even though demographic trends are clearly apparent and easy to predict, do you make them part of your decision-making?
  • Even though climate change is real, obvious and used for making weather predictions are you still denying that climate has an enormous impact on your business -- and how you make adjustments today can be the difference between success and failure?
  • Are you open to changing your ideas about hiring, management and location in order to improve your business success?
  • Do you collect data on your products, solutions and customers so you can see how to be more successful, or do you rely on gut instinct and how things always got done?